Tuesday 24 February 2009

Addons for Mages (wow)

My personal favorite list of addons followed by link in order to download them and small description:
(you can find how to install addons guide at this link)

in order to use an ability as quickly as possible while iceblocked, tap it twice and it will instantly de-ice you, allow you to use that ability ( no need click off the iceblock buff)


This is a cleaning mod. Its job is to help a class that can remove afflictions to do it with ease in every conditions

When Clearcasting, Missile Barrage, Hot Streak, Firestarter, Fingers of Frost or Brain Freeze procs, a small notification box appears and remains until buff is used or gone. Automatically detects talented Fiery Payback and notifies when below 35% health. Also keeps the player updated on Living Bomb, presenting them with a movable frame showing the time until their Living Bomb explodes.

A smart and simple buff notification addon-on. When u gain Hot Streak, Brain Freeze & MissleBarrage proc, displays a flashing fullscreen-effect and plays a sound

~~ Yes you can use both Magefever and magealert the same time making a nice combo

Sheep Watch Continued
This addon listens to the combatlog and its events to show a moveable progressbar which gives you an impression on how long your target will remain polymorphed.

Or if you think sheep watch doesnt work all the time you can try

Afterlife Crowd Control
Afterlife Crowd Control is a World of Warcraft addon designed to monitor yours and party members crowd control spells and warrior taunts giving you and your party warnings that your target has broken, or a warning at 10 and 5 seconds before break happens. Furthermore, this addon will also tell the party who broke your targets crowd control spell

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