Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Addons Everyone must have (wow)

A list of addons that is critical for every class:

QuestHelper tells you how to finish your quests in the easiest, fastest manner. It includes a database of quests, monsters, and items, telling you the exact location of that dang Perfect Satyr Horn you can't find. It also computes the fastest path to complete all your quests - and gain experience - as quickly as possible.

Recount is a graphical damage meter

Shows coordinates for player, map, and party. Customizable via options dialog, and always 100% accurate.

Gatherer is an addon for herbalists, miners and treasure hunters in World of Warcraft. It's main purpose is to track the closest plants, deposits and treasure locations on your minimap.

Atlasloot Enhanced
AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. It can access full item tooltips, show drop rates, allow items to be chat linked and to use the dressing room.

Quartz is a modular approach to a casting bar addon. (screenshot)

Afterlife Crowd Control
Afterlife Crowd Control is a World of Warcraft addon designed to monitor yours and party members crowd control spells and warrior taunts giving you and your party warnings that your target has broken, or a warning at 10 and 5 seconds before break happens. Furthermore, this addon will also tell the party who broke your targets crowd control spell

Addons For Raiders(pve) Only

Omen Threat Meter
Basically, enemies in WoW decide who to attack by deciding who is the most threatening based on the abilities you use. What Omen does is provide accurate values of your group's relative threat level on individual enemies, so that you can see when you're in danger of pulling aggro.
This info is usually only critical in raids, where only tanks can survive aggro, but it's useful for any multi-player situation.

Deadly Boss Mods
Check the link for more info about this one i am not going to list all the amazing thingies it does :DD

~~Enter each link for more info & download

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